

Lead Time | 訂製時間

  • In stock product will take 3 – 5 working days to be dispatched.

  • Made to order product will take 5 – 7 weeks to be dispatched.


  • 庫存產品將在 3 – 5 個工作日內發貨。

  • 訂製貨品將在 5 – 7 周內發貨。

Delivery | 送貨安排

  • Delivery fee between $100 – $500 (Rates based on the total weight)

  • Delivery notification will be sent to the customer in advance to update customer with delivery status.

  • In case of residence / office without access of elevator, there will be a surcharge. Please contact us for a quotation or for more information.  – info@mupulivingfurniture.com.

  • Standard delivery excludes outlying Island and restricted areas. Please contact us to arrange pick up or for more information. – info@mupulivingfurniture.com.

  • Standard delivery does not includes product assembly.


  • 送貨費用 $100 – $500 (按重量計算)

  • 我們將提前與顧客聯絡安排收貨。

  • 如收貨地址沒有電梯直達需加收搬運費用。顧客可與我們聯絡安排自取,或諮詢詳情 – info@mupulivingfurniture.com

  • 送貨範圍不包括離島及禁區 – 顧客可與我們聯絡安排自取,或諮詢詳情 – info@mupulivingfurniture.com

  • 送貨費用不包含安裝

Product Satisfaction and Warranty | 產品保證

Should the products delivered be faulty or damaged, please contact us on the day of delivery, for an exchange or repair with order | invoice number.

Any other situation, we are happy to repair or replace our product with a discounted rate.




Product Care | 產品保養

Birch Plywood Care – Regular cleaning is recommended for Birch Plywood. Simply wipe with a soft damp cloth or soft damp cloth and mild soap. Avoid harsh chemicals, harsh chemical might damage the finish. Avoid direct contact of heated or damp items; prolonged contact or spills might cause discolourations or damage. 

Cork Leather Care – Simple wipe with a soft damp cloth or a soft damp cloth with mild soup. Avoid harsh chemicals, harsh chemical might damage the finish. Avoid direct contact of heated or damp items; prolonged contact or spills might cause discolourations or damage. 


樺木合板保養 – 建議顧客定期清潔樺木合板。用濕布或濕布和天然肥皂擦抹。避免使用都帶腐蝕性或刺激性清潔劑,帶腐蝕性或刺激性清潔劑可能會損壞飾面。避免以過熱或潮濕的物品直接接觸樺木合板;長時間接觸可能會導致變色或損壞。

軟木皮革保養 – 建議用濕布或濕布和天然肥皂擦抹。避免使用帶腐蝕性或刺激性清潔劑,帶腐蝕性或刺激性清潔劑可能會損壞飾面。

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